If you wish to have your child baptized at St. Peter Church, you should contact the parish office to set up a time for preparation and the date of Baptism.

Every other year the 8th and 9th graders of our parish are confirmed by the bishop or his delegate. Preparation for Confirmation occurs at St. Peter School and in the Religious Education Programs.

The celebration of the Eucharist, the Source and Summit of our lives as Christians, takes place every day at St. Peter Church.  Preparation for First Holy Communion usually takes place in second grade.

Mass times:
• Monday – NO MASS
• Tuesday – 8:30 am Mass at The Basilica of St John
• Wednesday – 8:30 am Mass at St Peter Church
• Thursday – 8:30 am Mass at The Basilica of St John
• Friday – 8:30 Mass at St Peter Church

Weekend Masses
Saturday – 4pm Mass at the Basilica of St John
Sunday – 8:30 am Mass at St. Peter Church
10:30 am Mass at the Basilica of St John

Please consult the weekly bulletin for Holy Day schedules.

Reconciliation takes place at 3:00 PM on Saturday at the Basilica (October 1st- April 30th) and at St. Peter (May 1st- October 31st).

Additionally, during Advent and Lent a Communal Penance Service is celebrated in collaboration with several other local parishes.  For the times of these, consult the Bulletin.  Confessions are available by appointment also.  Contact a priest at the parish office.

 Anointing of the Sick
If you or someone in your family is sick and in need of the Sacrament of the Anointing, call the parish office to arrange for a visit from one of the priests.  Please do not wait until the last minutes before death to call.  Also, if you or a family member is in the hospital, and wish to be visited by a priest, please call the parish office or ask that the hospital contact us.

Holy Matrimony
In order to set a date for the Wedding Ceremony, the couple must meet in person with the priest.  At least one of the parties must be a practicing Catholic, who has been Confirmed, and is a registered, active and contributing member of St. Peter Church for at least one year.  The preparation of the couple with the priest or deacon must begin at least six months prior to the wedding date.

Holy Orders
If you think that God may be calling you to be a priest or a permanent deacon, please feel free to call and talk to one of the priests for assistance in your discernment.  Visit for more information about vocations to the priesthood and religious life.